We'll be rebuilding a used 2006 YZ450F using ProX parts one step at a time to provide how-to tips on key maintenance and rebuild practices. Check out what we started with!
Have you ever bought a used bike that ended up needing more work than you thought? Or maybe you wanted to buy a project bike and revive it to save money? Either way, we wanted a way to provide some key guidance on rebuild practices.
So, we bought a 2006 Yamaha YZ450F off Craigslist with the intention of rebuilding almost the whole bike, one step at a time. It was pretty clean for being an ’06, but it still had some time on it, and could use a freshening up. We’re rebuilding this bike with ProX parts to keep it affordable and reliable, and we’re going to record it along the way, to give you guys a good visual and some great tips on the maintenance practices you’ll most likely find yourself needing to perform.
These maintenance and rebuild tips will include:
- Top end rebuild
- Clutch replacement
- Bottom end maintenance
- Brake system rebuild/maintenance
- Cable replacement
- Chain & sprocket replacement
- Bearing replacement
- Fork seal replacement